Images of how I Experience Africa


Trails Bikes

I had the opportunity this weekend to attend a local event of the Trail bike fraternity of Gauteng and take some Shots of the event.

The two top riders in South Africa also attended and it is truly astounding to see what they are capable of.
 Le Richè Brothers 


These guys truly know how to handle a bike!! Amazing stuff.

 This is a such a cool sport where whole families are able to participate, young and old.

Participating in this setting is an amazing way to spent a day!

 Fun was had by all!!!


Some Animal Photo

Here are some of my favourite Animal photos I got.


Harvest time in the Eastern Freestate

December/January is harvest time for Wheat in the Eastern Freestate!
Being in the area, I took my camera with when my Father and i took some cold drinks for my uncle while they work near Reitz.

The weather played a long and I got some nice pics of the Harvesting activities, with a nice background too.

 Combine harvester in operation.

Wheat straw being baled as fodder for the winter months. 


Check the Backdrop!


Transferring wheat from the auger car to the mass-haul car.

Dropping from the chute.

A whole mouthful.

 Bread standing tall.

The last few stalks for the day.

Truck taking the wheat to the Silo's.



During a Family get together over the Holiday season, I had an amazing chat with Christine Meintjes, my cousin that is one of the best wedding photographers I've seen.
Well she inspired me to make a concerted effort of updating this blog more regularly. Thanks Christine! Smiley

I've done some trips into Botswana during the last year, and will get to them a bit later.
for now I'm just going to post one or two of my favorite pics of the past year.

Have a brilliant 2010!!!

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